Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Georgy Russell, my dream woman

Georgy Russells' Blog

Georgy's Gubernatorial Campaign Website

I hate for the first words to come out of this blog to sound so mean-spirited, but who is the retarded idiot who wrote the registration forms for blogger? I must of tried ten aliases before I settled on a shitty one that wasn't in use. And every time I tried an alias that was already in use, the password fields would clear. It got really annoying. Then on the next form, where it wants a title for the blog, when I submitted the form, it tells me the title is too long, but doesn't tell me what the character limit is.

What irks me is not so much the incompetence of this programmer, but the fact that I am a terminally unemployed programmer, and incompetent idiot programmers are out there living the good life while I am reduced to the sad state of writing a pathetic blog.

While this blog is pathetic, the object of this blog, Georgy Russell, is not. Georgy is a former candidate for
Governor of California. She is young. I'm too lazy right now to find her exact age, but it's around 23. Comparatively speaking I am old. I am 37. I would say that I strongly agree with Georgy's progressive beliefs, yet, if it were just her political opinions, I wouldn't be writing this blog. I'm going to be straight with you: I love Georgy.

Now don't get me wrong. It is not a weird, stalker type of love. I have not, nor will not attempt to contact Georgy in any way, unless she contacts me first. I don't expect Georgy to contact me either. While I lead an overactive fantasy life, I am fully prepared to submit to the harsh reality of a world without ever knowing Georgy personally. I am even prepared to face the inevitability of the bastard New York Yankees stealing another pennant away from the Red Sox. I can handle reality. I can handle the truth.

The type of love I feel for Georgy is akin to say, the love you might have for a beautiful movie star that is also highly intelligent. And when they inevitably marry, you think, "O shit, that blows my whole goddamn fantasy of becoming a screenwriter and meeting them by chance at a party some day." (You inevitably get more fantasy
fodder, as Hollywood marriages typically last only a few years -- and that's dog years.)

Georgy is not only tremendously cute, and sharp as hell, but she's independent. She does her own thing and doesn't give a shit if people don't like it. Georgy represents, for me, everything I always wanted in woman, yet never had.

I think that Georgy's words merit closer analysis. I am going to treat Georgy's Blog as I would the Talmud, going over it word by word to get at the ultimate truth. And, hopefully, other followers will comment on what I have to say, and, who knows? … maybe I will start a whole revolution. Old guys will come out of the woodwork everywhere, open their windows and shout out, "I'm old and lonely as hell, and I love Georgy, damnit!"

I should also add that this is not going to be simply a fan blog. This is a critical analysis of Georgy Russell. I am going to attempt to employ critical thinking in my analysis of her statements, and when I see something questionable, or something I don't agree with, I'm going to let you know.

I will probably feel compelled to poke fun of Georgy at times, because some of the things she does are a little crazy, yet, I hope blogbrains will understand that I really do have a great deal of respect for this young woman. I think that if we didn't have Georgys in this world, there wouldn't be much of a point to living. Georgy is the hope of the future.

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