Tuesday, November 04, 2003

CBS forced to pull Reagan mini-series

Source: FT.com Financial Times
CBS on Tuesday announced it was pulling The Reagans off the network, saying: "Although the mini-series features impressive production values and acting performances...it does not present a balanced portrayal of the Reagans."

Wake up you sleepyhead Americans! You're being screwed. Screwed like a black man by white guards with broomsticks in a New York City Jail.

The Right is spreading like a cancer, crushing dissent, stifling discourse and the free exchange of information. How dare we even risk tarnishing the memory of our great and fearless former leader, Ronald Reagan. How dare we!

You don't have to take this shit quietly, ya bunch of passive bastards. Get out there with your blogs, or whatever tool is at your disposal, and extricate this heinous cancer!

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