Tuesday, August 03, 2004

"Wendy is rubbing my balls"

I just came across this blog. The subject of the post was

"Wendy is rubbing my balls."

The blog goes on as follows:

"today, Wendy and I had a sex marathon. lasted close to 4 hours. may have had something to do with her watching xmen2 - its that whole Hugh Jackman fantasy thing."

I mean, who gives a shit about this guy's sex marathon or that his balls are rubbed by Wendy? He's just taunting guys like me that can't even remember what sex feels like. He's hoping guys like me will be envious and that it will make our sexual depravation even more unbearable. The jerk.

And what kind of woman gets horny watching xmen? I wouldn't even want to have sex with a woman that likes xmen. I don't care how beautiful she is.

Wendy is rubbing my balls... Such teasy crap.

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