Saturday, July 24, 2004


Okay, I am not ready to make any accusations, but I was reading this below active crime novel called "Break and Enter" by Colin Harrison. I had found it in the junk yard, where I find the vast majority of my books (some are very good in fact.)

So I am reading and I come upon this letter written by one charactor. And the letter is entitled, "The Eternals Truths." And there is a list of these so-called truths. For example:

"This is it!"

"There is no hidden meanings"

I have seen this before! I do not have the book on hand to verify it, but it comes from a book called "If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him : The Pilgrimage Of Psychotherapy Patients", by Sheldon Kopp, published in 1982.

I can say this, because I found this page, listing Kopp's eternal truths.

"Break and Enter" was published in 1990, eight years after Kopp's book.

I looked around for some sort of acknowledgment by Colin Harrison that this material was take from Sheldon Kopp.

This is what I found, in the acknowledgments sections:

The "Eternel Truths" are derived from a list originally written by Richard Donelli, D.D.S., and modified by Ann Satterthwaite and the author.

Colin Harrison got this from a dentist? Then modified it? Pretty fishy. I think someone is doing some serious plagerism here.

I am not sure if Sheldon Kopp is still alive. If I have the time, I might just drop a dime, if someone is willing to listen.

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