Friday, July 30, 2004

Navy Seaman wins 1st prize in military fashion show

Navy Seaman Jonathan R. Rodriguez wins 1st prize in a military fashion show for his postmodern military cosmetic innovation of applying makeup to only half of his face. In his award speach he stated:

"Contrary to popular belief, I believe that the winning weapon is not laser guided missiles, MOAB bombs, or even night vision goggles, but fashion. Whether you're torturing prisoners in the Abu Ghraib Prison or just shooting into a crowd of Iraqis, you want to show the enemy that your fashion sense is far superior to his. That hurts his morale. He also might think you are sexy and throw down his RPG launcher and give you a nice wet smoochy."

Seaman Rodriguez is currently working with Military Fashion Police to design a new combat uniform and cosmetic application. A prototype of this is shown below:

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