Friday, November 28, 2003

Georgy's Dedication Blog

In Georgy's latest blog, she dedicates her blog to her father, and talks lovingly about how her old man is disappointed that she isn't blogging enough.

I am must admit that I am envious of Georgy.

I have to force my father to read my blog. I must scream at him to read my blog. Berate him. Sometimes even kidnap him from the local Home for the Aged, bring him to my place, duck-tape him to the seat, and tell him he cannot use the bathroom until he reads my goddamn blog.

I mean, this is bullshit.

Georgy is of course, Georgy. She is a beautiful, intelligent woman. I would even go as far as to say that she is a Goddess -- or perhaps even -- The Goddess, but my blog is Post-Modern. I have turned blogging on its head to blog about someone else’s blog. I am blogging in a way that no Man or Woman has ever blogged before.

It is bullshit to be born into this world without a beautiful body like Georgy, and a loving father like Georgy's father. A father who shows interest his offspring. It is total bullshit, and I fucking resent it!

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