Wednesday, December 17, 2003

The Taste of Freedom

Sorry Blogbrains,

Not much to share with you besides a piece of an interesting MSNBC article I found today:

At Abu Abdullah's, $1.50 buys 15 minutes alone with a woman. The room is a cell with only a curtain for a door, and Ali complains that Abu Abdullah's women should bathe more often. But the young man says it's still a big improvement from Saddam Hussein's day. Back then, he says, the only establishment for a poor boy like himself was at a Gypsy settlement on the capital's western outskirts. "But now there are plenty of places." He grins. "Now we have freedom."

Before you had to masturbate to a camp of dirty gypsies. Now you have good ole Abu Abdullah to take care of your masturbatory needs.

Ain't liberation sweet?

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