Monday, August 02, 2004

Personal Note to Blogbrains and Loyal Fans

Dear Blogbrains, Blogollas, and Loyal Fans,

This blog has taken a rather unusual turn in that I'm finding it increasingly difficult to discuss anything with you. All I can do is show photos of people and bash them. The original mission of this blog -- to blog about Georgy Russell's blog seems to have been completely lost.

Georgy seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. I have actually been in contact with Georgy's father, or at least someone who says he is Georgy's father -- I have no way of verifying this information, though my gut instinct tells me that it is. He contacted me first. He told me that Georgy was an exceptionally cute baby, and he would provide me with the URLs of some cute Georgy baby photos, but he never got back to me. Perhaps the recent insanity that has come over this blog has scared him off. If Georgy's father is reading this, he should know that I only vent my anger against Republicans, suck-up Democrats like Kerry, and Korperate Amerika. Vegetarians bother me a little too, as evidenced by one of my prior blogs.

The reason for my bash craze, is that my life has really gone to shit. A software program that I had been working on for 2 1/2 years failed miserably. And for the life of me, I have no clue why this is, as I really feel it excels above all my competitors. Without an additional revenue stream, I will be living on the street. It is only a matter of time.

If people reading this blog were willing to evaluate this program for me, and give me some feedback, it would be immeasurably helpful, and I would be willing to cut them a very good deal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am probably one of the six people who read your blog. No offence, but with twelve million blogs out there and counting that doesn't leave many people a lot of time to go around reading blogs. Some people's blogs probably have zero readers. Some people's blogs are so crappy that they don't even manage to read their own blogs. There should be a special ring of hell opened up just for these people but that is something I will discuss on my own blog which I am going to call Dickie Richards: Genius? or Pathetic Whiner?

Now, I am glad that there are no photos of me out there on the web as I know you would make hideous fun of me. But seriously... let me get to why your web program might not be selling. Try this: What the fuck is it? Look at the text:

Visual Menu is a cross-browser, client-side, DHTML menu that was made for people who want to create powerful, stylish web menus with minimal effort.

I quit reading Dickie. I just stopped. Now, I grant that I am a technophobe. But I am not an idiot. (I think.) Ass soon as a computer nurd uses the phrase "cross-browser", my eyes cross and I fall into a brief narcoleptic coma. Who is this program for because it sure as shit ain't me or the other five people who read your blog.

Here are some ideas for programs you can write:

A flash program where you get to throw a pie at Bush. If it has been done please post the URL.

A program where you get to make love to lots of beautiful women.

A program that will teach me how to make love to lots of beautiful women instead of spending my time reading amusing blogs.

A program that helps me calculate how stupid the American people are becoming.

A program that will help John Kerry win the election.

See, those are programs that will sell.

Just some thoughts.

-- Three of Six