Saturday, November 15, 2003

Georgy Not Expected to Live to 25

Georgy hasn't made any posts to her blog lately so I did a little digging and found this e-mail on her website that was to her:

Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 06:28:26 EDT
Subject: Oct. 4 Arnold rally
I was at the Arnold Schwarzenegger rally today (Oct. 4), and saw a one of your supporters yelling at Arnold, calling him a groper as well as a lot of other things. Although it is well within her rights to do this, I don't agree with this method of trying to get your point across, as it is rude and inconsiderate of others trying to listen to what Arnold had to say. I then saw her getting pushed around throughout the crowd, then I saw someone write something on her back. I tried to make my way over there to stop people from harming her anymore but, she had already made her way to another part of the crowd that wasn't as hostile. I would like to apologize for the actions that some of the other Arnold supporters took in trying to shut her up. I haven't yet made up my mind as to who I'm voting for on Tuesday but, because this woman seemed so passionate about this campaign and took that kind of abuse to get her point across, all the while keeping her chin high. I will read through your website and see what you have to offer this state.
P.S. was that woman OK? Did she get hurt at all?

The woman in the reference "was that woman OK?" I believe is Goergy!

Georgy is a bit reckless. Or perhaps suicidal. She is calling Arnold a "Groper" in a crowd of Arnold supporters. Is Georgy crazy? These are ARNOLD PEOPLE. They are not like you and I. They are special … they are ARNOLDERS … good Christ Georgy, you're going to get yourself killed. And from the story I read on your website, you almost did get yourself killed. And if that happened there would be nobody around for me to worship from afar.

Georgy, I am just a lonely, old guy. If I was a wise person, I wouldn't be writing this blog, I would be too busy having sex. But Georgy, as rule of thumb, don't fuck with a rally full of crazed Arnold Supporters. You're just looking for trouble when you do that. Stay away from Arnold Supporters. Go and criticize a kinder, gentler candidate.

What's funny about the e-mail -- what is so INSANE is "I tried to make my way over there to stop people from harming her anymore but, she had already made her way to another part of the crowd that wasn't as hostile."

The key phrase here is "wasn't as hostile" This Gandhi contingent of Arnolders probably only spat on her as opposed to stepping on her face.
Screwed Again by the Shaws Empire

I am pissed, really pissed. I am pissed about going to Shaws and really needing a chocolate bar, and buying a thicky, and coming home and finding that there was no chocolate bar. They had screwed me. Decieved me, again. And the checkout/baggage girls, they were so friendly this morning. It is a conspiracy. They are being friendly to draw your attention away from their taking your candy away when you're not looking. I believe that there is contest between the cashiers to see who could remove the most food from customers. There is another contest at Shaws, which is, who could break the customers plastic bag first, by packing the bag to about 5 times its capacity. And let us not forgot the ol', who could stock the aisles with the rottenest, dead-bug-laden produce.

The chocolate bar didn't actually show up on my receipt. Had it, I would have gone back and complained, but being that they didn't charge me, and I had not the energy to go back there, I settled for just bitching about it in my blog.

What I'm really, really pissed about is my first week of blogs being lost forever because I neglected to configure the thing to archive my blogs. This was my fault. I should have known better. There was only one blog which was important, which was the first one, which went into the mission of the blog, who I am, who Georgy Russell is. I spent hours making it, because it was the critical blog. I really don't have the energy to try to rewrite it. Fuck it.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Georgy Sees Kucinich

Georgy posted an interested blog about going to see a talk by Kucinich. As you might know, this blog has endorsed Kucinich for some time now. After reading Georgy's account of the talk, I am reminded of the depressing fact that this guy not only has no chance of winning, but probably very little chance of being able to get enough votes to influence any of the other candidates.

It is rather hopeless and futile really. I think Michael Moore bares some responsibility in not giving Kucinich an endorsement, and instead, giving Clark a sort of half-assed endorsement. Shit, that's just what we need another New Democratic. Dean is a New Democrat, but he at least has the good sense to pretend he's a real Democrat.

This Blog is still going with Kucinich, and we will not waver in our support for the most progressive candidate.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Georgy Claims Mac Discrimination

Quote from Georgy:

But I just realized that Mac users are being discriminated against. I'm sure you're saying "what else is new?" or perhaps thinking "mac users deserve it." It's time for us all to join the mac users and fight Penn State who is sanctioning this behavior! Napster only provides Windows downloads and it's time for Steve Jobs to step up.

While I am a die-hard Georgyist, I must strongly disagree with her statement that Mac users are being discriminated against because Napster only provides Windows downloads.

Mac users aren't being discriminated against. When you buy a Mac, you are doing so with the understanding that you're buying a computer that has a smaller sliver of market-share. The reason why many companies choose not to support the Mac is because there is too much investment involved in making Mac apps.

I think that instead of Georgy telling Steve Jobs to step up to Mac discrimination, she should be telling Jobs to stop bleeding Mac consumers for every single cent they have by selling them not only overpriced hardware, but $120.00 operating system updates, that come about every year. If Jobs wasn't so fucking greedy, then maybe more people would buy Macs, which would create a bigger market for Mac software.

Furthermore, I might be wrong, but wasn't it Apple that was one of the pioneers of the paid music download service -- and didn't this only work for people who own Apples? If this is true, then using Georgy's argument, non-Mac users are being discriminated against by Apple.

I think that what is really going on here is that Georgy is using Napster as an excuse to bash Microsoft.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Praise for Jessica Lynch

This Blog officially recognizes former POW, Jessica Lynch as a true American Hero, for not willing to go along with the fiction of her rescue.

Just say no, folks. If Jessica could, you could too. You don't have to submit. Just say no to the Pentagon and its handmaiden, the Right-Wing Media Monopoly.
397 American Soldiers Dead

Turned on the News. Death Toll of American Soldiers now 397.

That's 397 kids dead for no good reason.

I wonder how many Iraqi babies must die in collateral damages for every American life wasted.

I wonder if the scum bastard, Bush looses an ounce of sleep over the needless bloodbath he's responsible for.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

The Truth About "Barney"

I had a horrifying epiphany while watching "Barney" the other day. He is not the friendly dinosaur he pretends to be.

If Barney's head were shrunk to about half its size. If big spiny scales were added to his back. If his skin was not purple but dark and porous. If he was as tall as a skyscraper. If instead of singing obnoxious songs with pretentious children, he made booming honk-like grunts and flattened fleeing Japanese like bugs, this would be Godzilla.

This, I believe, is a conspiracy set forth by the liberal elite who control Public Television, to subvert the minds of youth.