I have tried to be nice. I have tried to show respect for the dead. But fuck it, I'm tired of seeing the masses being hurriedly corralled around Reagan's flag-draped coffin like cattle. Don't these bovine-brained idiots know how much deficit Reagan racked up, how much environment destruction he was responsible for? What are these people, fucking morons or something? I don't even think they've raised the minimum wage since Reagan was elected. Reagan said he was declaring war on drugs, but the real war was on the poor. Reagan. Stinking bastard.
And I cannot stand all the stinking, suck-up bastards littering television and radio with their praise of the evil bastard -- and this goes especially for that sleazoid-soon-to-be-leader-of-the-Democratic-Party -- John Kerry.
If the stupid fucking masses are so hot to see dead Reagan, why don't they put him in a glass casket, and shove him into the tomb with Lenin, so all the sheep in the fucking world could see their Gods for all eternity.
Fuck Reagan. Burry the bastard already.
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