Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Caving to the demands of millions of fans

Dear Blogbrains,

I have tried to distance myself from this blog. What is the point of this blog, I say to myself. Who cares? What is the worst that could happen if I stop insulting all you millions of blogbrain idiots? You'll live. You'll go on with your meaningless lives. Your banal existences. You might not know how exactly you will live, but you will somehow carve out a pathetic existence without my blog.

Yet, when I see the thousands of e-mails pouring into my inbox every day, begging me to come back, begging me to give you more abuse, I just can't resist but give you what you crave and desire.

Brethren blogbrains. I cannot and will not abandon you. I will fight on. Fight onward and upwards. And I will give you the blog dope that you yearn. You will feel lightheaded and happy to be alive. You will be high. Really high. You will not even give a shit that you've never had sex in your life, nor ever will.

We have a lot of catching up to do.

So in the forthcoming weeks, I plan to cover the following topics:

--My nose herpes scare

--To hell with Kuch. I voted for Sharpton.

--The scary picture of the beautiful woman who broke my heart

--Freedom.gov, one of the many fascist, propagandist websites owned and operated by the US government to brainwash the multitudes

--John Kerry vs. George W. Bush: Clash of the Retards.

--John Kerry: Is he running for president or is this just a conspiracy to buy ketchup.

-Georgy: A woman that I would really like to have as my Governor and make love to.

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